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Sermon Archive

Veterans' Day: Reflections on Service and Faith


This second Sunday in November falls on Veterans' Day (formerly Armistice Day).  Wy'east members reflect on military service and faith, considering questions like how do they reconcile their liberal faith with military service?  What is it like to be a person of liberal faith while serving?  Patriotism:  Why isn't it considered a "liberal" value in public discourse? and What called you to serve? 


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Guys Like You and Me


It’s time to think some more about what lethal firearms mean to those who feel a need to carry them, and what they mean to the rest of us.  Rev. Moro will share his perspective as a former gun owner, hunter, and past member of the NRA. 

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Black Lives UU: The conversation continues …


Please join us for our 3rd Black Lives of UU Service, organized in response to a call in April 2017 from the BLUU Organizing Collective.  Many Wy'easters have worked together to understand the materials recommended by them and to create a service that answers their mandate to lift up black voices. Together, we'll listen to those voices as we contemplate what it might mean to show up for black lives, both within our congregation and in the wider world.  Service led by Wy'east Members.

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Lions & Tigers & Self-Singing Songs


Let’s visit the land of Oz with Dorothy and her friends as we contemplate what it means to affirm and promote our third UU principle, “acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.” Can we help each other break the spells and enchantments that have poisoned our public discourse with so much fear and anger?  Join Rev. Craig Moro on this walk down the yellow brick road.

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Produce for People: Growing Food & Community


Each year thousands of pounds of fresh produce are grown and donated to local food banks for neighbors in need of good food. Find out how this grassroots program started, why so many community gardeners are dedicated to the program, and how it impacts our neighborhoods.  Cheryl Brock, the Volunteer Co-manager at Rigler Community Garden will share her own experience with us.  This Sunday will also be a Special Collection for Food for People.



Blue, Green, Red, Gold, Black


"In fourteen-hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue..." What other colors do we need to paint a portrait of the Admiral of the Ocean Seas and his actions in the New World? Rev. Craig Moro has a few suggestions.

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Chillin' With the Villians


Unitarian Universalist Minister Rev. Dr. Emily Brault  will share about how her experiences as a prison chaplain influence her perspectives on love, justice, and humanity.

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Transforming Our Justice System: A Conversation About Accountability and Healing


What if our public safety system prioritized accountability over punishment? Is it possible to transform our current system from one that ostracizes to one that repairs? Join Partnership for Safety and Justice for a conversation about how our county’s and state’s responses to crime are beginning to change, the significant work that lies ahead, and how you can advocate for policies that build strong families, safe communities, and a just society.  Service led by Partnership for Safety and Justice staff members Talia Gad, the Communications Director, and Cleo Tung, the Development Director.

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"Nine-eleven”—as we have come to call the events of September 11, 2001—had its 17th  anniversary last week. What did those events teach us about violence and “religion”?  What have we done to try and learn more?  Service led by Rev. Craig Moro

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Water Communion


This service is our annual ingathering as we start the beginning of the new church year. Please bring a small amount of water that represents water that was important to you this summer: water from somewhere you traveled or from your own backyard, Join us for this annual service that celebrates the blessings of clean and safe water! This will be an All Ages Service led by Wy’east members

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