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"Sustaining Our Vision to Flourish Together" Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx, Wy'east UU Minister


We gather to celebrate the contribution that Wy’east UU Congregation makes to our members and wider community and to ensure that we bring our support to sustain its health and vibrancy. 

We will explore Equity, the final value from the proposed updates to our Unitarian Universalist Association’s bylaws, where it describes equity as follows:

“We declare that every person has the right to flourish with inherent dignity and worthiness.

We covenant to use our time, wisdom, attention, and money to build and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities.”

First-Sunday Monthly Potluck after Service!


Listen to the recording here


Multi-Platform Worship (both in-person & online)

Sunday at 10:30 AM

Click here to join the virtual service on Zoom

Meeting ID:  275 194 110

Phone In:  (669) 900-6833