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Wy'east UU Community Board Meeting Minutes May 7, 2024

Meeting Date: May 7, 2024, 7:00-8:52 PM on Zoom

by Larry Burt, Board Secretary

Final: 05/16/2024


Attending: Diane Arnold (Co-moderator), Kathy Scanlan (Co-moderator), Hank Hadaway (Treasurer), Larry Burt (Secretary), Marcy Sullwold (At-Large), Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx (Minister), Ron Thurston (Membership), Jan Hively & Anne Wagner (Committee on Ministry - COM), Bruce Macpherson (CfPA Building Liaison)



Virtual Chalice lighting



Previous Minutes: 4/1/2024 minutes were sent for review to board members and attendees and several minor changes were made. No further changes were proposed at this meeting, so we voted to approve them. The minutes were sent to our Administrator Gigi for posting to our web site and archiving.


Community for Positive Aging (CfPA) Contract

Bruce reported that there is a significant increase in our rent. Since last July, we have been paying ~$330 per month. We have had building access for 8 hours, from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM, though we typically are there less than five hours, from 9:00 to 1:00, or 2:00 on Potluck Sundays. We need access no later than 9:00 to allow for setup. Now the rent will be on an hourly basis of $60 per hour, which is less than the new CfPA "going rate" of $75 per hour. That makes our new rate for 9:00 to 2:00 access $300 per Sunday. Plus $125 per month for storage, for a total of $725 per month. The new rate is fully effective next January, 2025, but they have asked us to "ramp up" the amount beginning this July. On top of the increase is an annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase. Also, the new rate is only for the main area and the kitchen, as there has never been access to Room A (current RE space) or B (currently used for staging materials and committee meetings after church) in the lease agreement. Our new agreement should include at least Room A. Bruce thinks that the CfPA may not be concerned if we no longer rent space from them, so he perceives that we have little leverage over the rate or other details.

Within a week, Bruce will write a letter to the CfPA with our proposal to increase the rent by 1/6 of the increase amount each month until reaching the new total in January 2025. Larry will initially review it, then the Board will review and approve it before sending it to the CfPA.


Committee on Ministry (COM)

Jan reported that the COM developed a draft of our Wyeast Vision Statement (VS) on May 1. The Vision Statement is aspirational, a goal/view of where we would like to be in five years as a congregation. The VS will join our other key documents that characterize our congregation: chalice Lighting statement, service opening and closure, covenant, etc. It was sent to the Board and Leslie. At the May 1 service, Anne spoke briefly to the congregation and passed out copies of the draft VS for feedback during the potluck, also requesting email feedback to Jan via email by May 10. 

Marcy asked how the VS will be used, where will we see it? Anne replied that it will be woven into our service at least once a month to reminds us of our vision, what we are working toward. Leslie replied that the VS will also inform our Worship and Social Justice committees in planning services and activities. Comments on the VS so far have been varied: it should be more specific and it should be more general, particularly in the sentence referring to social justice. Jan noted that the COM will periodically assess how we are doing toward the goals of the VS. Hank suggested adding the VS to our web site, Leslie to include it in our window display, Diane to our printed order of service, if that is revived. The Worship Committee has concerns about the headers in the VS, should they be removed? The Board agreed that we like the structure with headers and suggested the headers be retained. 

The VS will be presented to the congregation at our May 19 general meeting for discussion and approval. Amendments may be proposed. Larry will act as parliamentarian to manage the process.


Service Location

Hank said that in light of our rent increase, pledge total falling below the projected budget, and lack of facilities for children; we should consider a change of venue/location for services. The concern is that our fixed costs are too high for the income from our small number of members' pledges. The projected budget for next year currently has a deficit of over $13,000. With our reserve of ~$50K, we can sustain the deficit for about four years. However, over the past few years, our deficit has been less than projected. The worship committee has been very creative in finding online sermons through the UUA at relatively low cost.

Larry reported that the Rose City Park Methodist church notified him that they are no longer interested in having us share their space. No particular reason was given. The Rose City Presbyterian church has awkward and fragmented inside spaces, poor access and parking. Larry and Leslie visited the Reedwood Friends church and found it more amenable to us so he will continue to look at that option with other board members. A concern is that the location is a very different neighborhood than Hollywood, although it is closer to members who live in retirement communities near Milwaukie. 

Leslie said that the issue came up during last week's potluck discussion at her table. At least one member said they would not attend if we moved into a church. Larry noted that any change of place, especially to another part of town, would result in loss of members. He feels that Wyeast is too fragile to sustain a move. A small group of key members is shouldering the volunteer load and are already spread too thin. We are heading into the summer season when everyone steps back.

We agreed to table the issue and consider setting up a building search committee next Fall in September.


Religious Education (RE)

Our Director of RE Kate Fricke has resigned, effective end of June. She has multiple other career activities planned. At present, we also don't have an RE committee. Matt has been a regular volunteer, but is very busy beginning his public school teaching career. After some discussion, we agreed that we will have to rely on volunteers to manage summer RE in July and August. We will ask Kate to recruit and coordinate volunteers before she leaves at the end of June. If we don't have enough volunteers, children will have to attend the regular service. We noted that there are very few children, typically 4 or 5. Discussion of a new RE director will be tabled for now, postponed until the end of summer.


Nominating Committee

Ron reported that we still don't have a fifth board member, as required by our bylaws. Larry, Marcy, Kathy, and Diane will continue. Hank is retiring as treasurer. Larry offered to be considered for Treasurer and Marcy said she could be Secretary. Leslie offered to reach out to Debra T about being in the At-Large position. Another option is to change the bylaws. We really only need four board members: Moderator, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-Large. We could change the bylaws at the annual meeting May 19.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM. Our next meeting is Monday, June 3, at 7:00 PM.
