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Wy'east UU Community Board Meeting Minutes June 3, 2024

Meeting Date: June 3, 2024, 7:00-8:30 PM on Zoom

by Larry Burt, Board Secretary

Final: 07/11/2024


Attending: Diane Arnold (Co-moderator), Kathy Scanlan (Co-moderator), Hank Hadaway (Treasurer), Larry Burt (Secretary), Marcy Sullwold (At-Large), Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx (Minister), Ron Thurston (Membership), Jan Hively (Committee on Ministry - COM)


Invocation, Virtual Chalice lighting, Check-in


Previous Minutes: 5/6/2024 minutes were sent for review to board members and attendees and several minor changes were made. No further changes were proposed at this meeting, so we voted to approve them. The minutes were sent to our Administrator Gigi for posting to our web site and archiving.


Center for Positive Aging (CfPA) Contract

Ron reported that Amber has agreed to our terms.


June 5th Sunday Service Project

The Worship Committee plans to have another "Kisses" story hour on June 30. Cost is $130.


General Assembly (GA)

This year's GA will be all virtual. Linda M has volunteered to be one of our delegates. The board voted to confirm Linda and to reimburse her for $280 in registration cost (the "early bird" rate) that she spent. Based on our congregation size, we have two voting delegates. Diane A volunteered and was also approved by the board as delegate. If anyone in the congregation wants to register to attend GA programming beyond the business plenary sessions, the Board authorized $280 scholarship toward registration reimbursed by Wyeast.


Worship Committee (WC) Budget

Hank reported that the WC has spent $4300 of their 2023-24 budget of $7,000.


Recognition Ceremony

Ron reported that the membership committee will have a recognition ceremony for our RE director Kate Fricke, who is leaving at the end of June. Hank has collected $100 which he will use to buy a gift card for Kate at the PSU bookstore. Discussion of further recognition of other members was tabled and will be discussed at a later meeting.


Summer RE

Matt has offered to coordinate Summer Y Camp. Marcy will liaison with Matt.


Annual Summer Celebration July 7
Our annual summer celebration and picnic will be July 7 at Creston Park. Ron has secured a more accessible site B. Matt will again play his guitar and lead group singing.


New Board

Debra will be our new "at-large" board member. She has also volunteered to be our Zoom setup person! Hank again pointed out that the Treasurer position is a lot of work. D'on and Diane A have been helping.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. Our next meeting is Monday, July 1, 7:00 PM Zoom.
