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Wy'east UU Community Board Meeting Minutes August 8, 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024 7:00 pm

Check-In: Meeting called to order at 7 pm

Present: Kathleen S., Larry B., Marcy S., and Debra T. 

Absent: Leslie B. (vacation), Diane A.


Meeting Minutes Review and Approval. July minutes needed a few adjustments so they will be approved via email by members before the next meeting. 

To Do and Who: Diane and/or Kathy will make the corrections


Committee on Ministry Update: The COM will attend all of the other committees/meetings and interview them to see how their work fits in with the vision statement.  They will report back in September or so.


R.E. Job Search-Ideas/Discussion:

  • get a committee to recommend a person for the DRE to the board
  • Marcy will email Kate to see if the description is accurate of the role, to see if 11 hours average per month was normal, to ask what wage she started at, and the attendance level at the virtual family time before online services.
  • $24.83 was the June hourly rate for Kate.  Do we want to continue this as the starting rate for the new DRE?
  • Marcy will email Hank to see what wages usually start at and if he usually uses the national recommendations or if it is different being a smaller congregation.
  • Matt may be interested in the DRE…ask about his interest at next in-person and possible have a job description ready by then
  • Via email the board will comment on final job description Marcy will send out

To Do and Who: 

- Marcy will email Kate and Hank about hours worked and rate to start.

- Marcy will email Kate to see if job description matches role

- Board will virtually communicate comments on DRE job description, Marcy will send out.


Rev. Leslie’s Contract: We are not sure if Diane (since absent) has the electronic contract signed yet. Kathy will check in with her on this. 

To Do and Who: Kathy will check with Diane on the status


Minister Report: Here is June’s Minister's Report. There was no minister’s report this month due to July and August being off.


More in-Person with or without multi-platform service Discussion:

  • More expense if more in-person(plus more tech each time and more rent)
  • Question: How many people are in the zoom meeting when we have in-person services?
  • Concern: How can we grow?  How can we be intergenerational? How can we be an inviting space for families including RE space?
  • Worship Committee would be good to ask: how many people use  zoom meetings when we have in-person?
  • Membership Committee would also be good to ask: how many people are attending via zoom when at hybrid service?
  • The board needs current input from the Worship Committee and the Minister about how they are feeling about hybrid and virtual only. Value? Cost effective?

To Do and Who: Kathy will ask Ron the attendance at different services


Worship Committee: No worship committee report this month.


Social Justice Committee Report: Here is the report


Membership Committee: Click here for the report


Treasurer Report: 

  • Not a new report this month. Here is the past report linked here.
  • Payroll has been done, checks written, and checks distributed.


Parking Lot: Mathias’ email about more in-person services for the next church year…


Confirm Next Meeting Date:  September 9, 2024 @ 7pm


Meeting adjourned. We will not meet on Labor Day, but the following Monday.


Respectfully submitted by Marcy Sullwold
