“The Church: To Be and To Do” - Rev. Byron “Tyler” Coles
Every year on the last Sunday in June, our faith joins together for the largest annual gathering of UU's in Worship. This service will be live streamed at 11am Eastern Time (8am Pacific) and we aim to share some of the highlights at our usual worship time.
However, that recording is not expected to be available in time, so we will hear instead from the Rev. Byron “Tyler” Coles, from the Congregational Life Staff of the Southern Region of the UUA, with a sermon recorded for the use of small congregations like ours. We will share the GA Sunday Service by the Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, Michigan at our next worship together on July 9th.
Join us on Sunday instead for: “The Church: To Be and To Do” by Rev. Byron “Tyler” Coles
In the wake of such great change internally and externally, we must ask ourselves, 'What is the Church to be and do in this time?' Come, let us gather in community as we reflect on this question, speak honestly of our journey, and faithfully imagine a future to come.
Tyler Coles (they/he) is native of Roanoke, VA, and the only child of Monica and Terry. Inspired by the good news of Unitarian Universalism, Tyler believes the best of our collective ministry strives towards conjuring "the Beloved Kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven." They engage this mandate through the work of multi-religious organizing, supporting young adults, and movement chaplaincy.
Tyler has served the greater faith as the Young Adult Community Leader of SPARK, Intern Minister of Mount Vernon Unitarian Church, and respectively as a steering committee member of Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) and the Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism's (BLUU) Steering Committee for youth ministry. They currently serve on the Congregational Life Staff for the Southern Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Family Worship 9:30 AM
Join Our Virtual Service Sunday at 10:30 AM
This service will be offered ONLY as a virtual service.
Click here to join the virtual service on Zoom
Meeting ID: 275 194 110
Phone In: (669) 900-6833