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Wy'east UUC Board Meeting Minutes January 08, 2024

Wyeast Community Board Meeting Minutes 

Meeting Date: January 8, 2024, 7:00-8:30 PM via Zoom.

by Larry Burt, Board Secretary

Final 1/19/2024


Attending: Kathy Scanlan (Co-moderator), Diane Arnold (Co-moderator), Hank Hadaway (Treasurer), Larry Burt (Secretary), Marcy Sullwold (At-Large), Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx (Minister), D'on Voelzke (former treasurer, working on new church software selection)


Virtual Chalice lighting



Previous Minutes: 12/4/23 minutes were sent for review to board members and attendees on 12/07/23 and several minor changes were made. No further changes were proposed at this meeting, so we voted to approve them. The minutes were sent to our Administrator Gigi for posting to our web site and archiving.


Treasurer's Report

The following table reflects the balances as of the end of November. The year-end balances as of December 31 are in preparation and will be available next month. 

  • We moved money ($10K?) from the checking account to the money market account in order to obtain some interest income.
  • The Money Market account is receiving very low interest, under 1 percent. Hank will research higher earning instruments available through our CCCU credit union and move money as appropriate.
  • The "Primary" account is the required membership. For now, we've "parked" the endowment from Barbara Ross's estate into that account. Our bylaws allow using up to 7% of the endowment annually for operating expenses if needed.
  • Our Endowment Committee is in need of two members. Former member Barbara Ross is deceased and Kathleen S is now on the Board and hence ineligible. Board members will seek out new members from the congregation.

Image removed.


Minister's Report

Leslie reminded us that her contract is for one full service per month plus involvement in a second service per month. For November and December she added involvement in another service each month. She will step back to the contracted level in January and continuing.

The January 7 Conversation Circles, led by Leslie and the Committee on Ministry (COM) were very successful, with 24 adults and 4 children attending. The COM will be processing the results as input to their work. The COM has already reached out to 12 former members and believes several may attend online next week.

The UUA Pacific Western Regional Conference is April 19-20 in Denver. Registration is now open.


Church Management Software

Our current ChurchDB software vendor is discontinuing support for the product as of the end of January 2024. We've been using a combination of ChurchDB for membership tracking, creating directories, etc, QuickBooks for accounting, Onpay for payroll, and Square for online contribution processing. Hank and D'on have researched packages, including a list of vendors from the UUA. They've narrowed the list to two packages. A third system, Breeze, was eliminated.

  • ChurchTrac, which currently isn't being used by any UUA congregations
  • Realm, which is used by some UUA congregations.

Both are cloud based, include accounting and online contribution management, allow custom fields, and have user groups.


  • $33 per month
  • + Integrated with MailChimp
  • + Worship Service and Volunteer management
  • + Easier to use
  • + Better online contribution management
  • - Poor auditing
  • - Needs separate payroll package
  • - Price based on number of members
  • + $0.25 ACH fee per online transaction


  • + Robust auditing
  • + Integrated payroll option
  • + Better accounting and budgeting
  • + Many UU congregations are using
  • - $76 per month plus $40 payroll option plus $280 setup fee
  • - Volunteer management not as good as Churchtrac
  • - $0.45 plus 1% ACH fee per online transaction


Their recommendation is for Churchtrac, completing the transition during January. Steps are to dump the Church DB database, prune data before prior fiscal year (pre 7-1-2022), massage data for moving, move with Excel. Then perform manual entry for first month with volunteer help. Larry and Marcy volunteered to help. Because Churchtrac auditing weak, we'll have to implement strict permission control. 

D'on and Hank will implement and test the new system. If no major issues, we will go with it. If there are issues, they will switch over to Realm as quickly as possible.

The Board voted to authorize the plan.


Canvass Committee

Our annual spring canvass begins in a few months. We need two or three volunteers for the committee. Board members will reach out to prospective candidates this month.


Annual UUA Congregation Certification

Wyeast data about our membership, operating budget, and other items must be entered into the UUA database by February 6. Hank has the details to be entered.  Larry volunteered to do the data entry. NOTE: in conversation following the meeting, Hank and Larry realized it would be appropriate for our Admin Gigi to perform this task. Hank will contact her.


Community for Positive Aging (CfPA) Contract with Wyeast

Bruce reported that we still do not have a contract with the CfPA. CfPA director Amber has had staff loss and other issues and hasn't gotten back to Bruce. Meanwhile, we have not paid any rent for December or January. After some discussion, the Board directed Hank to pay the December rent at once and make it clear to Amber that we will also pay the new amount agreed upon retroactively to July 2023, since that is when the old contract expired.


Drag Queen Storybook Performance

The board agreed via previous email exchange to provide a $150 budget to RE director Kate F for the event scheduled for after the in-person service on January 21.


Wyeast Strategic Plan Committee

In 2017-18 our Strategic Plan Committee met, producing a report in October 2018. Current board member Marcy was on the Committee. Their report will be input to the current COM work. Marcy provided a link to the report, which will be distributed to the Board and COM.


5th Sunday Project

Larry reported that the December 31 project was a big success. A dozen of us gathered with our “gifts” and socialized with some cider and home-made cookies. Others dropped off items or sent them directly to the shelter. We collected jackets, blankets, sheets, mattress covers, wash cloths, towels, pillows, baby wipes, backpacks, school supplies, diapers, soap, lotions, snacks, and a gift certificate. Larry will send a Wyeast-chat invitation for members to join in planning and carrying out our next 5th Sunday project on March 31, which is also Easter.


Interfaith Alliance

Since Barbara D moved away, we no longer have a representative to the Interfaith Alliance. After some discussion, the Board decided this was a low priority compared to other volunteer needs.


Portland Area UU Cluster

We also don't have a representative to the Cluster. Hank was a charter member. M.A. has also been active. Activities Wyeast participated in have been the SOLV beach cleanup and the Gay Pride Parade. The Board feels this is a higher priority than the Interfaith Alliance since it is a UU organization. Hank will ask M.A. to see if the Cluster is still active and if so, to send a Wyeast Chat message to inform our members about the Cluster and its importance to Wyeast.


Rose City Park Presbyterian (RCPP)

Kathleen reported that we are no longer contracted with RCPP for regular building use, and have removed all of our property and records. However, we would be welcome to rent space on an ad hoc basis for specific events.


Rose City Park United Methodist (RCPM) or other building sites.

Larry hasn't done any further research, thinking that it is premature to investigate other sites until we hear the results of the COM process now underway. However, there is still interest in from the Board to visit RCPM. A tentative visit is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 15. Kathy and Diane A will try to arrange a visit and inform the rest of the Board who may be interested.



Hank noted again that certain members are volunteering in many ways and putting in lots of hours. How do we recognize them and others who are also helping as they are able and have time. Perhaps we have an appreciation service at around the time of our annual meeting, or as part of the annual meeting. This will be on the agenda for our next board meeting.


Next Board Meeting

The next meeting date was set for Monday, February 5, 7:00 PM. Format will be Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at about 8:30.


Action List


Bruce: Continue to meet with Amber to negotiate contract. Let Hank know the results so he can write checks.


Hank: Write check to CfPA for retroactive amount owed, based on Bruce's negotiation. Obtain Churchtrac software and work with D'on and volunteer data entry people to transfer data and set up the new software. Contact M.A. regarding UU Cluster status and Chat message to membership about the Cluster. Contact admin GG regarding annual UUA recertification. Investigate higher interest options at our CCCU credit union for money market account. 


Marcy: Assist with Data Entry for software conversion. Locate 2018 Strategic Plan committee report and forward to the Board and COM


Leslie: Meet with Committee on Ministry to analyze conversation circles and continue outreach to current and past members.


Kathy/DianeA: Contact Elsa at RCP Methodist for building tour and notify Board members.


Larry: Ask for volunteers for March 31st 5th Sunday community service project. Assist with data entry for software conversion.


Board Members: Approach members about serving on 2024 Canvass Committee.


Membership Committee Report

Chair Ron Thurston reported:

The article appearing in the Star Newspaper went out on 12/3 and positive feedback was received. The article highlighted our October 29th 5th Sunday Hollywood Neighborhood trash pickup organized by Larry B. and Diane I. The news article seems to be an effective way to get the word out about Wy'east. The committee and Larry are always looking for events or organizations that we could support by
doing this type of work 

The Lilac Meadows supply drive that ended on 12/31 at Larry B. and Diane I.'s home was successful and it was a great conversation opportunity for members to catch up and share thoughts and concerns. Thanks Larry and Diane. 

We are getting more visitors at in-person services. The head count is in the mid 30's and the energy of the congregation is exciting. Our committee continues to struggle getting contact information from visitors so Diane I. has put an appeal on Chat and the Wyeast News and service slide requesting volunteers for ushers, greeters and hospitality. Hopefully we will have more participation soon. 

The window "A" upgrade is on hold until we get a new rental contract from CfPA and accepted by the Board. I expect quick action on this early in January. 

Still no attendance at Path to Membership class offerings but with increased visitor interest I'm optimistic we'll have interest soon. 

Linda B. coordinated the annual Lilac Meadows Holiday Feast which has become a tradition and was very appreciated by the staff and residents. 

RE (Religious Education): No new report.


Worship Committee: No new report.


Social Justice Committee: No new report.
