Wy’east UUC Board Meeting Minutes, Monday, October 7 , 2024
Wy’east UUC Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 7 , 2024
Approved October 28, 2024
Present: Kathy, Diane, Marcy, Larry, Debra, Linda M.
Absent: Leslie
Meeting Minutes:
- Meeting Minutes-review and approval
- moved and approved
- Worship Committee
- Linda M. is representing Leslie tonight to speak to us about the possibility of more hybrid worship services and what it would mean to change the current rhythm.
- Currently we have multi-platform service on the 1st and 3rd Sunday and zoom services on the 2nd and 4th, with the 5th Sunday being an organized service project. This set-up of the Sundays works really well for the people and resources that we have available. It also works for the worship committee team…the work is spread out and balanced between everyone.
- Small group of people only come on zoom (about 15%), and a small group of people are only coming in-person only (about15%) and the rest (about 70%) are coming to both types of services.
- Many members are trying their own “spiritual practice” when they have zoom meetings and can make it their own type of service during these times
- If the board is interested in providing more in-person…it would be challenging to find and pay for the speaker for the additional days for in-person during the month
- Candice has mentioned that her time with Wy’East is limited and eventually she will leave…not sure if she would be interested in more hours at this time or not.
- Could gather people together in people’s houses to watch a zoom service together to get more in-person contact with the congregation? This small group could strengthen in-person connection.
- Question by a board member: do more people prefer in-person?
- Response from Linda: we will never meet everyone’s needs all of the time.
- Question from a board member: Is the current set-up sustainable?
- Response from Linda: yes it is very sustainable, but not always perfect.
- Question from a board member: how would the small group gathering work?
- Response from Linda: there is room to offer online spaces together. Or people could gather at someone’s house to watch the zoom services together.
- Question from a board member: A congregation member raised the question if we could have more in person services, but not sure what the reason was? Would in-person be less or more expensive:
- Response from Larry: yes it would be $300 more per Sunday
- Response from Linda: Yes it would be an addition to the budget to have more multi-platform services. If we didn’t have Candice/multi-platform services, it wouldn’t be inclusive of all members of the church either. Some are far away, and some can’t travel to the center. Also, having zoom services available allows us to include everyone and be available for the inclement weather days.
- Question from a board member: How do we continue to get youth to come or other new members to join? Does in-person bring them in?
- Response: Having a low population of kids and members is a nationwide issue. We should pay attention to what gets people in the door. What we are doing right now is what is sustainable for us right now. One thing Linda heard at GA is to write a postcard to someone you know, possibly with the focus of targeting people with children, informing them about Wy’East, may be a way to get more people through the door.
- Linda M. is representing Leslie tonight to speak to us about the possibility of more hybrid worship services and what it would mean to change the current rhythm.
4.) Small Group Events:
- Jan is having the poetry gathering currently
- Diane would like to have a Fall gathering, such as a board game night, TBD
- Currently we have regular small groups and then spontaneous events, which is good to offer both types of small group events.
- One board member who went to the poetry group said they were the only one who showed up. One other person RSVPed but didn’t show.
- Maybe we need an announcement at each service that these gatherings are available to remind people and to have them sign up beforehand.
- One board member who went to the poetry group said they were the only one who showed up. One other person RSVPed but didn’t show.
5.) Re Status:
- Matt is the go to person to schedule volunteers
- Anders is currently doing Bible Studies for the older students.
- Marcy responded that she was at the last RE and in her opinion is that middle school should have their own space because it is not developmentally appropriate for the younger members.
- Debra responded that it is an impossible situation with the resources we have, but would advocate for all RE children to have the opportunity to understand UU values during RE.
- Marcy mentioned that she will just have Luna do some activities in the service quietly for the time being, since the number of children attending make it near impossible to attend to everyone’s needs.
6.) Contract with CfPA
- Larry is in favor of the contract and likes how it spells out what rooms are available to us.
- The board voted and approved the contract
7.) Realm for Gigi
- Larry will work on this to get Gigi certain aspects of Realm available to her.
- Maybe Gigi could put up sign-up link for events online somewhere..?
8.) Minister’s Report (submitted via email):
- Leslie was absent, but sent her report.
9.) Social Justice Committee Report
10.) Membership Report
- Nothing to report
11.) Treasurer’s Report
- Nothing to report
12.) Committee on Ministry
- Nothing to Report
TO DO’s and Who for next meeting:
- Larry will work on getting Gigi into certain areas of Realm
Next meeting is November 4, 2024 at 7pm via Zoom
Respectfully submitted by Marcy Sullwold