Wy’east UU Board Meeting Minutes Monday, November 18 , 2024
Present: Debra T., Larry B., Kathy S., Marcy S., and Leslie B.M.
- Absent: Diane A.
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes review and approval:
- Minutes moved and approved
- Treasurer Report:
- Church Mutual is conducting a payroll audit, and with the help from D’on, Larry got that submitted.
- Payroll stubs will be sent out so people can check their deductions.
- Balance of operating fund is $11,386
- Income of $2942 and expenses $4516, but still in our budget for the year at this point.
- A congregant requests to have money for some turkeys for the shelter meal Thanksgiving dinner. This would be about 8 turkeys. Asking for board approval up to a limit of $500:
- Board approved
- D’on is doing lots of heroic work on the budget, our accounting, and supporting the treasurer. She is struggling reconciling all of the accounts with the new software Realm. She has made contact with UU administrators that also use Realm software. D’on would like permission for an hourly contract position from this organization, probably about 10 hours and may be only a one time instance, to give her some help. It would be up to $250 ($25/hour for the help and about 10 hours of help.) Larry would like board approval:
- Approved by the board
- Operating fund is about $11,000. Other funds are sitting in low interest accounts like 1%…the total of all other funds is about $40,000. Larry and D’on would like to put this money in a CD to gain more interest, like 3-4%. If, on the off chance that, we would need some of this money we wouldn’t lose any money but may lose the interest. They will look into this.
- Monthly special collections are doing well!
- Small Group Events:
- Poetry group is going on and is advertised on the chat.
- Should we put these on the website and announce them at in-person services?
- Need to communicate verbally and in writing so the word gets out.
- Leslie will ask the worship committee about in-person announcements
- On the 3rd Sunday of the month, there is time until 2pm for a group to meet if they want
- 5th Sunday is coming up for December…last year we gathered items that are needed for the shelter. Mainly donations were in the area of snacks and essential clothing items. They will probably have an Amazon wish list from them that we can look at items or purchase similar items elsewhere. The plan is to bring items over to Larry’s house on the 5th Sunday so they can be delivered to the shelter.
- Larry will send out an announcement after Thanksgiving to the congregation
- Minister Report:
- No report at this time
- Gigi Access to Realm:
- This is still in the process and is in talks with Gigi to see what she would like to do and what her interests are.
- Committee on Ministry Report:
- Leslie met with Jan and is recovering still, so this committee is on hold until further notice
- Worship Committee Report
- No report at this time
- Social Justice Report:
- Religious Education Report:
- Matt has gotten a full time job and does not think he can handle the full responsibility of the DRE, but could be the 2nd volunteer
- What vision do we have for DRE?
- Do we need to have a separate board meeting to discuss our vision in general for Wy’East, including RE?
- Yes, we will plan it on a 3rd Sunday sometime…possibly in January
- Do we need to have a separate board meeting to discuss our vision in general for Wy’East, including RE?
- Membership Report:
- Nothing to report at this time
- Question from Debra:
- Who is responsible for publishing the Wy’east directory? Is it still Hank? Does Realm software have an easy way to do this? Who will be updating this document in the future?
- Larry will be talking wil Gigi to see if she is interested.
- Who is responsible for publishing the Wy’east directory? Is it still Hank? Does Realm software have an easy way to do this? Who will be updating this document in the future?
To Do’s and Who
- Larry–asking Gigi her interest in the Realm software access and directory update
- Leslie–ask about in-person announcements with Worship Committee
Next Meeting
- December 2, 2024 at 7 pm via Zoom
Respectfully submitted by Marcy Sullwold