Wy’east UU Board Meeting Minutes, Monday, January 6 , 2025
Wy’east UU Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 6 , 2025
- Present: Debra T., Larry B., Kathy S., Marcy S., Diane A., and Leslie B.M.
- Absent: none
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Minutes review and approval:
- Moved and approved
- Treasurer Report:
- Larry sent out a summary of the balance of the bank account. We continue to take in more than we are spending.
- One question is how to manage the savings account? Should we form a committee to manage this?
- We should bring this issue up at the Annual Meeting to help manage this.
- Someone is matching our special collections, which is awesome!
- Last week, Larry learned how to input data into the Realm database, which is nice to know how to do.
- Paid UUA membership fee, and various paperwork
- The next month’s meeting we will talk about different options to put the savings account balance into to gain more interest.
- Question: How much did we send to Rehab Sisters special collection?
- Larry will get back to us on this
- Small Group Events
- Possible walking event in the Laurelhurst Neighborhood that Diane A. will organized
- Communication of small group events can be announced during worship services
- Diane I. has sent out a survey about interest in types of small group
- Debra will communicate with Diane I., Ron, and the board on how the survey went and see if they can report back to us.
- Membership Report:
- No report at this time
- Social Justice Report:
- Website:
- Marcy will email Anders to get accounts created and have him send the username and passwords to the board members who do not already have one.
- Minister Report:
- Worship Committee Report
- From Leslie: They will be experimenting with announcements and Leslie will be the coordinator/director of this, so people should let her know if they have any special announcements and she will decide which announcements will be announced at the worship service.
- Could we use the announcement board at the CfPA and put our own announcements of special events during the service as another form of communication?
- Gigi has made a slide of announcements for the virtual services that is used virtually, so maybe we could use this slide to post announcements?
- Debra offered to print if needed, and Larry could be a backup
- Could we ask Linda M or Ron to be a back-up person to display this?
- We will keep this task as a work in progress
- Gigi has made a slide of announcements for the virtual services that is used virtually, so maybe we could use this slide to post announcements?
- Gigi Access to Realm:
- D’on and Hank are communicating with Gigi about some things and figuring out Realm and what is possible
- Directory: how do we manage this information? This is a good question to continue to discuss.
- Diane I. has collected some pictures, but need to make sure people want to have their picture and info on directory.
- Maybe Realm has the ability to organize this?
- January 19th meeting after the service
- Will address RE vision in the next 5 years, and possibly need to talk even more at later dates about the RE program and direction we want to go.
- Will look at some of the data from the Committee on Ministry on the vision statement and look at some of the unanswered questions there.
- Who should participate or be invited?
- Board and other leaders
- Bring Your Own Snacks
- At Kathy S.’s house - gather at 12:15 and start at 12:30 and will probably last a couple of hours.
- May have to look at some reports from the Committee on Ministry
- Who should participate or be invited?
To Do’s and Who
- Leslie will continue to create agenda for Jan 19th meeting
- Marcy will email Anders to get website logins
- Marcy will send Dec minutes to Gigi to post on website and newsletters
- Larry will get back at how much Rehab Sisters received at the last special collection
- Debra will communicate with Ron or Diane I. about the results of the survey sent out about interest in small group events
Next Meeting
- February 3, 2025 at 7 pm via Zoom
Respectfully submitted by Marcy Sullwold