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Community Presence

An important part of being Unitarian Universalists is working to make the world better. Our congregation participates in several regular kinds of service.


We have ongoing commitments with some local organizations.

Human Solutions Homeless Shelter: Monthly, we make and serve dinner to about 100 people in homeless families. 
Center for Positive Aging: For 15 years pre-Pandemic, we annually prepared and served Thanksgiving dinner to 150 seniors
Clay Street Table: Quarterly, we help serve breakfast for close to 200 people at a downtown Portland church. 
Rehab's Sisters: We are in a 3-year Sustained Partnership with them, where we raise money, donate clothing, and volunteer. 


Once a month we donate our collection from our worship service to a group doing good work - each year we choose a different focus for our giving. Five of our worship services each year feature speakers on our annual focus.


Beloved Community (Focus for 2024-2025) monthly Special Collections

Bridge Meadows
Rahab's Sisters (3rd year of our Sustained Partnership)
With Love
IMIrJ -- Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice
PAW -- Portland Animal Welfare


Climate Emergency (Focus for 2023-2024) monthly Special Collections

Trash for Peace
Citizens' Utility Board
Blueprint Foundation
Save California Salmon
Climate Justice Alliance
ECO: Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors
Portland Harbor Community Coalition
Friends of Trees
Rahab's Sisters
Backyard Habitat Certification Program
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
Verde NW


The Future of Democracy (Focus for 2022-2023) monthly Special Collections

Side With Love -- Cheyenne Wyoming, UU Church
PEN America 
Black Parent Initiative
People Powered
Mothers Demand Action Against Gun Violence
Carter Center
PDX Planned Parenthood
PSU Foundation (Political Science)
Rahab's Sisters
Next Up
City Club 


Examining Economic Inequality (Focus for 2021-2022) monthly Special Collections

Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence (summer)
Oregon Remembrance Project (summer)
College Possible
Q Center (final year of our Sustained Partnership with them)
Rahab's Sisters
Oregon Center for Public Policy
Human Solutions
Portland Jobs with Justice
Girl Scouts Beyond Bars (final year of our Sustained Partnership with them)
R.I.P. Medical Debt
Street Roots
Friends Stay Warm
Portland Street Response (summer)
Marked by Covid (summer)


Indigenous Peoples (focus for 2020-2021)

Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Pachamama Alliance
Red Cloud Renewable, Pine Ridge
Native American College Fund
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women -- USA
The Chuush Fund -- Water for Warm Spring
Indian Law Resource Center
Black Hills Bail and Legal Defense Fund


Voting Rights: a Year of Democracy (focus for 2019-2020)

UU the Vote
Vote at Home Institute
Move to Amend
Oregon Food Bank (off theme due to need during the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Common Cause Oregon
Girl Scouts Beyond Bars (second year of sustained partnership)
Healthy Democracy
Q Center (first year of sustained partnership)
National Voting Rights Museum and Institute
Next Up
Portland League of Women Voters


Called on to Care for Others (focus for 2018-2019)

Thunder Valley CDC (Pine Ridge Reservation)
Potluck in the Park
SMART reading program
Wisdom of the Elders
Ceasefire Oregon
Oregon Humane Society
NW Quilters / Comforting Quilts
Human Solutions / Food to Women's Shelters
Mother and Child Education Center
Produce for People Program
Partnership for Safety and Justice
Immigrant Rights Project, Oregon Justice Resource Center


Women (focus for 2017-2018)

Girl Scouts Beyond Bars
Q Center
Oregon Tradeswomen
Bradley Angle
The Family Preservation Project
Girls on the Run of Portland Metro
Sexual Assault Resource Center
Girls, Inc.
PDXWIT (Women in Technology)
The Coalition of Advocates for Equal Access for Girls


Previous themes:

Housing Justice (focus for 2016-2017)
Children (focus for 2015-16) 
Environmental Justice (focus for 2014-15)
Privilege (focus for 2013-2014)
Race (focus for 2012-2013)
LGBTQ (focus for 2011-2012)
Immigrants and Refugees (focus for 2010-2011)
Getting Health Care to People Without It --  (focus for 2009-2010)
Getting Food to People Without It -- (focus for 2008-2009)