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Wyeast UUC Board Meeting February 6, 2023

Wy'East Community Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 6, 2023, 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

Next meeting date: March 6, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm. Notes taken by Diane Arnold

Board members: Lana Quackenbush (Moderator), Barbara Dow (Treasurer), Diane Arnold (Secretary), Linda Burk (At-large)
Other attendees: Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx, Ron Thurston (member, Membership committee).

Previous minutes: Jan. 3, 2023 minutes were approved.

Committee reports:

  • Social justice
  • Treasurer Report: Barbara is working with D'On to get a report in the near future. The Board confirmed the availability of $1050 being within the budget for only the Worship Committee. Worship committee will work with Barbara regarding their plans for the expenditure.
  • Membership report submitted by email.
  • Minister report: discussion took place that a paragraph each month on key activities will work as a report for the board. Lana will review the job description and discuss with Leslie.

Minister update:

  • Connections: Leslie gave the opening prayer at the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty meeting on homelessness. Leslie is working with the Northwest Ministers Association on organizing a retreat. Kris Kraft will be participating.
  • Article 2 service: Leslie attended and would like any input from anyone who attended: Barbara did and said it was a good event, focusing on how attendees felt and what they thought, and working with all views. Barbara and Linda said they had a draft that will go to the Board, and further discussion would be good: The study materials covered topics related to individual and community perspectives, and possible impact on covenants. It will be presented at the next General Assembly, and then voted on at the next year's assembly for final approval.

Other Business:

  • Board changes: Barbara has assumed the role of Board Treasurer. Financial tasks: D'On is appreciative of support and volunteers stepping forward to assist with financial tasks. She will train one person on the major tasks: Paul Henerlau.

● Barbara, Diane and GiGi will meet regarding those filing needs and tasks.
● Lana asked that Barbara, Diane Leslie, and GiGi will plan a meeting at Rose City Park Church to see the space together.
GiGi will work from home, it will be a place to store papers long term. Lana would like GiGi to know where our records are, and to see history of documentation.

Directory of leadership:
● Gigi is creating a list of roles and those in them including Chairs of Committees.

New Business

  • Membership Committee: Lana was contacted by the committee about using advertising to encourage more membership. Lana recalled previous discussions included financial impact versus actual increase in membership. Facebook ads have been used. Print ads are expensive. The question is will the person looking for a church notice an ad. Another strategy is increased signage, at the Ctr for Positive Aging and at Rose City Park Presbyterian. The Mt Hood Cluster is an option for discussion as a way to share resources, including the possibility of a website for each congregation where they can show the personality of the group, and also maybe have a video. The cluster concept is a volunteer organization and can't collect money to fund a website, and it may be time to revisit this. It would be a good way to connect with other congregations.
  • Potluck resumption: Ron brought up the possible resumption of the potluck on the third Sunday in March. Then they will resume being on the first Sunday of the month starting in April, and will coincide with Leslie's monthly sermon. The membership committee is supportive of this and Ron will give the board feedback to the committee. It was noted that in March Rev. Leslie will give the sermon on the third Sunday, since a retired UU Minister was previously scheduled for the first Sunday. Ron will change the membership meeting day. Ron will confirm that there will be four volunteers to help with setup and clean up prior to each potluck. This will be advertised in the Wy'East newsletter.
  • The Worship committee will need to know about the startup of the potlucks on first Sunday beginning in April.
  • Lana will check on supplies to use paper plates for the first potluck, and contact worship and membership committees about volunteers.
  • Leslie will preach on the first Sunday starting in April. There will be a UU minister preaching on first Sundays when Leslie is off on vacation and study days.
  • Leslie will participate in the service two out of three months on a second Sunday in the month but not preaching, and will also be working with the Worship committee on developing services that members might deliver.

Worship committee: the committee is tightening the job description for the tech support position for Zoom split service support.

Rev. Leslie: Lana and Leslie are discussing exploring the topic of democracy and democratic board practices outside the board meeting to discuss different ways to do things vs. Roberts Rules of Order, to be more inclusive, potentially in a less formal setting. It could be done at Rose City Park, not necessarily a meal, and possibly at the homes of those willing to host. Leslie will find a Monday other than the first week of March when board members will be available to meet to discuss other formats than Roberts Rules of Order.

Conclusion: Lana will include Leslie's personal email and the Wy'East minister email when sending board emails.
