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Wy'east UUC Board Meeting April 3, 2023

Next meeting date: May 1, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm on Zoom

Notes taken by Diane Arnold

Present: Board members: Lana Quackenbush (Moderator), Barbara Dow (Treasurer), Diane Arnold (Secretary), Linda Burk (At-large), Ruth Jenkins (Vice-Moderator). All board members were present.

Other attendees: Ron Thurston (member, Membership committee), Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx; Hank Hadaway (Finance committee)

Previous minutes: Mar. 6, 2023 meeting minutes were approved. 

Committee reports 

  • Minister report: submitted by mail. The workshop 3/18 went well and input from it will inform Leslie's content for next year's sermons.

Ruth is working with Rose City Presbyterian on the 4/10 (6:30-8:30 PM) board retreat paperwork. [This retreat was subsequently canceled.] Leslie will forward an agenda.

Leslie announced that the Pacific NW Ministers Spring gathering is coming up. 

  • Membership report submitted by email: There has been good in-person attendance. The committee will send a nomination report with the names of four members who will run to be on the board.
  • Social Justice: has picked a theme which will be voted on in the annual meeting in May.
  • Religious Education: not submitted at the time of this meeting
  • Worship committee: not submitted at the time of this meeting
  • Treasurer report: Paul worked on the report and posted it in Google Docs.

Expenses are less than they were projected. Income has been a little less, as of this meeting. 

We did not have to access savings this fiscal year. 

Barbara will check with D'On and Leslie about payment of benefits in On-Pay. D'On and Leslie are resolving life insurance. 

Other Business:

  • Nominating committee: four members will run for the board. Ron has collected their bios and will forward them to Diane. Diane will get ballot ready for the annual meeting and report.
  • Annual Meeting prep/tasks: bylaws require sending list prior to the annual meeting on May 21 including 

Annual Report by April 27 needs to be sent to the congregation

Budget for the new church year

A budget presentation will be one month before the annual meeting, after the May 7 service. The proposed budget is done my the Finance committee (Barbara, Paul, Hank)

Social Justice committee theme

The nominating committee

Annual Report material needs to be sent April 27 will all of the above items covered

By April 27, an email needs to go out to the congregation with the business of the May 21 Annual Meeting. Lana will discuss the content of the announcement with Gigi.

Ballot needs to be written with correct list of items for the May 21 annual meeting: 

Board nominees with biographies will go out as a special email in advance

Social Justice Theme

Worship theme

Nominating committee for those whose two-year terms are ending. Ron will discuss with Diane H. running again and she will be on the ballot. Lana will add her.



Annual Report: Committees need to prepare reports by April 25 so the board can review by May 1. Diane will contact the leads. 

 Lana will assist with the Annual meeting and report documents.


Canvas; Lana will check with Hank and Bruce regarding who will be on the next Canvas Committee. Hank will continue some duties and is looking for others to take on remaining tasks (see email from Hank).

Ruth will check with Bruce, Diane I., and Debra T. whether they will be on the Canvas Committee by April 7. 

Rev. Bucknell-Marx will write a stewardship letter to send to the congregation

Lana, Ruth and Diane A. will give testimonial and next few services after the April 9th service.

Hank will talk about Canvas at the April 9th service. 


  • Proposal for Wy'East social media – written contributions 

Kate Fricke's proposal on “This I Believe” for WyEast social media from willing members can contribute a sentence about how they feel about being a member. It can be anonymous. Kate will format it. The board was invited to contribute also.


  • Rev. Leslie and Gigi and press release: They will work together about writing an announcement for community media about our new minister. The email to send it to is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . 

Another announcement to submit to community and social media is about the 5th Sunday clean up around Lilac Meadows as an opportunity for service. Linda B. will contact Diane I. and Larry about the details. The shelter is located in SE Powell and 82nd. Leslie has also been working with Linda M. about writing the content and sending it to Gigi.


  • Ron potluck update: Ron found out that there is a band that uses Ctr for Positive Aging at 1:30 pm on the first Sunday of every month which will require our clean up to be done by then, or we might change the potluck to the 3rd Sunday. Our contract says we have the room till 2 pm. Ron will ask if the Center could ask if the band members could not show up till 2 pm. Lana suggested that Bruce continue to be the contact with Amber. Ruth will contact Bruce when she contacts him about the canvas. 

