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Board Minutes for March 10, 2016

Board Meeting 3/10/2016
Board Members: Robyn, D’On, Jane, Paul, Barbara
Visitors: Bruce, Lana
● The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.
● Minutes of the 2/11/2016 meeting:
○ Barbara distributed the minutes of the 2/11/16 meeting
○ D’On moved to approve the minutes as distributed; Robyn seconded; 4
aye; 1 abstain.
● The January treasurer’s report was distributed by email shortly after our last
○ Income at the end of January is about as expected; expenses are about
$5,000 less than expected, mainly due to the search committee not
having claimed reimbursement.
○ Once search committee expenses have been processed, we expect to be
on track.
● Minister ‘stuff’
○ We’ll be candidating this coming weekend.
○ Rev. Craig Moro is prepared to start on April 1 and will pick up Barbara S
and Mark G’s dates in April.
○ Standard UUA practice is to cover expenses for a candidating weekend,
but not to pay an honorarium. Craig has been offered an honorarium in
lieu of expenses.
○ Do we want to do something to thank Barbara S and Mark G?
○ Barbara ST will craft a letter from the board for Barbara S.
○ D’On will talk to Eastrose and/or Barbara S about whether our off again
on again plans for this coming weekend have cost her money. If so, we
will pay what she would have received from Eastrose for her services this
○ The board will meet with the candidate at noon on Saturday at our office
in Park Rose City Presbyterian Church. The focus should be how will we
work with this person. Each board member should think about what
questions they would like to ask. Also, what would we like him to know
about us.
○ The morning time at the library is more a meet and greet.
○ The search committee has let him know that we are bursting the seams at
HSC, will need to move in the not too distant future, and that finding a
minister is part of the growth plan.
● Canvass
○ We have a committee: Harold, Jane, Joanne.
○ There is a meeting scheduled for Monday 3/28. Robyn, D’On, and Hank
will be there.
○ Debra has provided materials from last year’s canvass.
○ The congregational budget discussion is on 5/15. (Annual meeting a
week later on 5/22.)
○ What date should the canvass kickoff be? April 10 seems good. There’s a
potluck that day and it’s Craig’s first day in the pulpit.
○ We’d like to wrap things up by the end of April -- that’s tight! We should
plan to get started before the “event” on the 10th.
○ Robyn will make a chalice “thermometer”
○ Barbara suggested that it would be good if we can get some early
pledges, particularly from the board, to show a start toward the goal.
● Membership committee
○ We’ve had a request for a reconstituted membership committee.
○ From Linda B:
I propose that we form a Membership Committee when we get our new minister
this summer. This committee could be responsible for maintaining membership
lists, keeping track of potential members, setting up membership classes,
contacting members who have not attended Wy’east for a while, etc. The
Engagement Com. would then mostly be responsible for social events and some
connection with the Membership Com.
○ There’s definitely a need for someone to pay attention to membership
issues in an organized way.
○ In the past it’s been hard to get a membership committee together.
○ How can Craig help us? Who in the congregation wants to do this work?
○ We agree that a membership committee would be a good idea, as an ad
hoc committee, no bylaws change.
○ We need a good job description.
○ We need to make sure that Mabel is in the loop, at least initially.
● Childcare for the special meeting
○ We need an adult who has been background checked if the kids are at
Wee Works.
○ Justice and Maddie and Sophie (Amy’s twins) could be asked to do it if
it’s in the classroom at HSC. Barbara will contact Justice; Paul will contact
○ We would pay them, $5 each for the expected half hour or less.
● What are the logistics for Sunday?
○ Meeting before the potluck.
○ We need some time for discussion.
● We’re going to need to put together a ministerial concerns committee.
● Garage sale. D’On will talk to Tode.
● Paul moves we adjourn; Robyn seconds. Approved unanimously.
● Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm
● Next meeting:
○ April 14 at Jane’s house
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Smith-Thomas, Secretary
